Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Skateboarding to Work 11-24-09

It was a beautiful morning as I skated to work today. It's about 5 miles. I know because I asked Google Maps and they told me that's it's about 5 miles. I'd say it was around 30 degrees. This is Utah after all. I always like to practice my tricks as I'm skating down the street. There is plenty of time and road to do it too. I like to start with my kickflip. First try. I've done those a few times. I can feel the cold air on my toes, a little more on my right foot toes. (Because I'm goofy footed and there is a widening hole on my shoe where I flip my tricks from.) Time for the heelflip, ohhhh, not quite. That's embarrassing. I pretend it's not. I keep skating. I try again. Sloppy. I pretend it's not. I keep skating. Shove it: easy. FS Shove it: barely. I keep going. A mile or so goes by. I'm feeling the kickflip varial right about now so I set up for it. Ha! Nailed it. Take that you car-driving-PERSON! Let's see you do that! Yeah. Okay heelflip varial now. Not even close. NOT EVEN CLOSE. Let's fast forward a little bit to the part where I finally land it. Nice. So time for the ender. 360 Flip. Pop! Planted, sloppy, jump off and run, repeat. 2 or 3 times. What's the deal?
I skate down the hill, there are rocks and pebbles everywhere. I weave and lean back, slightly manual. No problems on this round. Finally I arrive at the warehouse. I get to work. An hour or so goes by. Matt notices that I brought my old school "Banana Board" on my backpack. I tell him about my plans... We laugh about it. But wait! I forgot to clock in. I guess I sort of forgot that I was working. That can happen with the most awesome job in the world. Oh well, back to work.

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