Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Hey, have you tried Softrucks yet!? They are really an incredible idea. No joke. I've been using them for years, and I've actually learned quite a few tricks on Softrucks.
Softrucks are practice trucks for your skateboard. You install them just like regular trucks, they are made to help you practice your tricks. Obviously they don't roll, they are intended you help you learn and land new tricks quickly.
If you're serious about learning your tricks, this is a great way to do it. Practice your kickflips, heelflips, shove its, kickflip varials, heelflip varials, 360 flips, casper stalls, even spend some time trying to invent new tricks! These things are awesome.
I've been practicing my skating on Softrucks for years now. And I've always found that it was easier to learn a new trick on Softrucks. They are great for unlocking your tricks. Especially the ones that you think you'll never get. Softrucks will help you get them.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Skateboarding to Work 11-24-09

It was a beautiful morning as I skated to work today. It's about 5 miles. I know because I asked Google Maps and they told me that's it's about 5 miles. I'd say it was around 30 degrees. This is Utah after all. I always like to practice my tricks as I'm skating down the street. There is plenty of time and road to do it too. I like to start with my kickflip. First try. I've done those a few times. I can feel the cold air on my toes, a little more on my right foot toes. (Because I'm goofy footed and there is a widening hole on my shoe where I flip my tricks from.) Time for the heelflip, ohhhh, not quite. That's embarrassing. I pretend it's not. I keep skating. I try again. Sloppy. I pretend it's not. I keep skating. Shove it: easy. FS Shove it: barely. I keep going. A mile or so goes by. I'm feeling the kickflip varial right about now so I set up for it. Ha! Nailed it. Take that you car-driving-PERSON! Let's see you do that! Yeah. Okay heelflip varial now. Not even close. NOT EVEN CLOSE. Let's fast forward a little bit to the part where I finally land it. Nice. So time for the ender. 360 Flip. Pop! Planted, sloppy, jump off and run, repeat. 2 or 3 times. What's the deal?
I skate down the hill, there are rocks and pebbles everywhere. I weave and lean back, slightly manual. No problems on this round. Finally I arrive at the warehouse. I get to work. An hour or so goes by. Matt notices that I brought my old school "Banana Board" on my backpack. I tell him about my plans... We laugh about it. But wait! I forgot to clock in. I guess I sort of forgot that I was working. That can happen with the most awesome job in the world. Oh well, back to work.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Hello Fellow Skaters, has started a Blog to keep everyone up to date on the happenings of the Team and other exciting things. Be sure to check back for all the latest and greatest.